Blue Oasis
Age: 125
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Don't know if you still need them Wafa, but with Eid close you all may like to have a look. These are fairly simple and look beautiful, I used them for last Eid and still had them saved on my hard drive. Have Fun!
Blue Oasis
Age: 125
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Number 3 and 18 sound very nice and fragrant, I'm going to try those.
btw a tip for drinking the required amount of water is to aim for one glass every hour, you can a set time as well (like half past every hour) to remind youself.
Blue Oasis
Age: 125
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I think it will be different for everyone, and as you can see people have given different answers. Mum and daughter rishta is very close from my own experience.
Blue Oasis
Age: 125
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Just stay strong Dolly, I heard that once a person sets on the right path Shatan makes a greater effort to make the person go astray. Whatever bad happens stay determined to your goal. Inshallah you will gain the closeness you want, remember when you take 1 step towards God and his way, he takes 7 towards you
It also helps to stick with two friends because we all have our ups and lows (like being lazy with namaaz) with religion and it's likely that when you are on your low point, one of your friends will be on her high and can encourage you.
Blue Oasis
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Subhaan Allah. I really enjoyed reading all the verses. The Holy Quran holds more knowledge about the world than any science book that is undisputable, there is also a verse, I think in sura Iqra which says man was created from clots of blood, and if you see the human embryo in its early development it looks like a tiny clots of blood.
Blue Oasis
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Thank you SRK and I have to say that you are a good example of a very decent Desi-European guy, I know you will treat your wife with a lot of love and respect
Blue Oasis
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BadShaH1 said:
Most desi people take marriage as a whole family affair rather than a relation bw two people.So the boys think that a paki bred gal would be able to cope with his family more easily n be happy n make them happy.
Thats the reason near me.
well see weve bcome so independent that we dont even like the idea of marriage.We are engulfed in our own tentions so much we cant handle any more.
Yes some boys are under the impression that girls from back home have better family values than Desi-Brit women. That's not true, what it is that girls from back home tend to allow their in-laws to boss them around more than a Desi-Brit girl will. A girl who takes harrasssment without complaining and lives as a servant is considered an ideal wife. A typical Desi-Brit girl won't take any of that and that's why their Pakistani conterparts are preffered.
Blue Oasis
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The real issue is the behaviour and thinking of the majority of Desi boys in London, to defend them you're exaggerating the activities of Desi Brit girls.
I said before good and bad people are everywhere, and I'm not really concerned about the moral values of Desi people in this topic, I'm pointing out the backward and oppressive thinking that some Desi Brit boys have.
These boys know they can't dominate a girl from the UK so instead of getting into a domestic violence case they are marrying girls who will be indimidated by them because they are utterly dependant on their husbands.
Blue Oasis
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So kinda like more people die of bee stings than Shark attacks per year. Well more people walk outside/to parks etc than go swimming in dangerous waters. Pitt bulls are more dangerous than German Shepards but there is also a limited/controled exposure of the public to them because you need a licene to have them even in America.
Blue Oasis
Age: 125
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German Shepards are more widespread/numerous than Pitt bulls and are used in police work so that may explain the figures (it maybe the crimnals being bitten more than civilians minding their buisness).
Blue Oasis
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I haven't seen the first SAW, my friend has though and it sounded good. Is the second one worth watching BB?
I saw Goblet of Fire on Tuesday. It was more of a thriller than anything, the new characters are very interesting, espcially Mad Eyed Moody. The special effects are SUPERB, espcially during the challenges. I felt a bit cheated because they missed loads and loads out from the book, but that happens with every book turned movie. End is very sad though. But the Graveyard scene WICKED, very dark and horror like.
Even if you've never seen other films from the series, watch this one, it's darker, more mature with its theams of romance, action and tragedy.
Blue Oasis
Age: 125
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maryam. said:
out of bounds?! out of bounds!!
not all desi-american/brit girls are out of bounds... in fact, as far as i'm concerned a great amount of of the population of desi-american/brit girls are very well in tune with their culture and act as descent (IF NOT BETTER) as pakistani-born girls!! i have seen a lot of the crap that goes on in pakistan...and all i have to say about it is that a lot of paki-born girls are not as angelic as they seem.. as far as i'm concerned, judging from your club hopping getting drunk persona (i don't know if you're really like that or just like to act that way online cuz you think it gives you a cool edge or something), i think you're way out of bounds.
NOTE: This post was not meant to intentionally hurt desi mc in anyway. I was just bringing up a point, and if in fact this post did in some way hurt desi mc, my apologies.
Wow Maryam, that was deep, you are 100% right, good and bad girls are everywhere. I think Pakistani girls living overseas value their culture more than girls in Pakistan because everyone knows you value and respect something more when you don't have it.
Blue Oasis
Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
ashkhan said:
y dont some1 ask the bys r they actually worth an even human being. NOOOOOOO. DIDNT THINK SO. i hate prejudiced men who dont look at themselves sleepin around with girls but wan a wife they can control. how can u get a clean slate if the blackboard is black.
Exactly, they date and sleep around, but want to marry a girl who's never even seen a guy!
To be fair though, not all of are like that, you find the rare decent boy now and again.
Blue Oasis
Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Shahenshah said:
i don;t see it haram if the sperm used is actual husband's cuz at the end of the is husband and i don;t see anything wrong with it...
in case of a sperm donor, i have no idea....haram or halal....but personally i probably won;t take that option...
Your first point hits the nail on the head, there's nothing wrong with it if a husband and wife are trying to concieve - it's like a treatment.
I'm not sure about the donor issue, sex with someone who isn't your spouse is haram, with there is no physical contact between the mother/wife and the donor, she may never even know/see him. It sounds more like a tabboo than something haraam.
Blue Oasis
Age: 125
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Yep you have the right book in mind Sall.
There are some children's classics which I really adore, The Narnia series (I've read them all) and Enyd Blighton sp?
I've read most of the adult classics, Dickens, the Bronte sisters, Shelly, Shakespear and even Chaucer. Some of the books are a little hard to get into, but once you are immersed they are so amazing.
I can't read Urdu very well otherwise the books that Doc Sam mentioned sound interesting and I might get someone to read one of them to me.
There are some exceptional Young Adult writers, David and Lei Eddings, L.J. Smith and J.K Rowling.
I started reading the Harry Potter series in my last year of college (when I was 18), I used to be a bit anti-Potter craze but my friends encouraged me to read one book, and that's it I was hooked. It's so wholesome and imaginative, I love it.